Wondering about fragrance notes?

Picking a scent is like choosing your daily vibe. Fragrances have layers – top, mid, and base notes – each with its own role and how long it lasts. So, what you smell at first might not be what others catch later on. It's like a personal mood that unfolds throughout the day.

Top Note: The initial burst of fragrance, the top note, or headnote, is what you notice first in the store. Though overpowering at first, it's fleeting, lasting around fifteen minutes, and sets the stage for the evolving layers of your chosen scent.

Top Note

Mid Note/Heart Note: Representing the essence of your fragrance, the mid note, or heart note, emerges as the top notes fade. It adds depth and resonance, making it the signature scent experienced by those around you for about an hour.

Middle Note

Base Note: The anchor of your scent, the base note carries the most weight and lingers the longest, providing a lasting foundation. With an approximate six-hour evaporation rate, it endures throughout the day, offering a steady presence.

Base Note